Parent Involvement Policy


In the fall, an annual meeting will be held to share with parents a description of the Title I program and its requirements.
Fulton K-8 has developed a written Title I parental involvement policy with input from Title I parents. Parental input from the parent meetings and training sessions is shared with the School Site Council (SSC) to provide an organized, ongoing, timely way of involving parents in the planning, review, and improvement of the program.
It has distributed the policy to parents of Title I students.

The Fulton Newsletter is sent home informing parents and the school community of all meetings and upcoming events. We also post information on the marquee. Ed connects are sent weekly by phone and by email to share valuable information to our parents and students. For special meetings, targeted language groups receive notice in their language. The parent center is used to advertise parent meetings and training sessions offered at Fulton K-8 School, at the District Advisory Council's Harold J. Ballard Parent Center, and throughout the district. Every attempt is made to contact parents in the language of the parents.

Parental input from the parent meetings and training sessions is shared with the School Site Council (SSC) to provide an organized, ongoing, timely way of involving parents in the planning, review, and improvement of the program.
The policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(a)-(f) inclusive].

Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program

To involve parents in the Title I program at Fulton K-8 the following practices have been established:

  • The school convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students about Title I requirements and about the right of parents to be involved in the Title I program.
Fulton K-8 holds a special Title 1 meeting for parents in early October with a Powerpoint presentation and provides "Questions and Answer" time for parents.
  • The school offers a flexible number of meetings for Title I parents, such as meetings in the morning or evening. Fulton K-8 offers a monthly Chat & Chew meeting at 7:30 am and also SSC meetings are held monthly at 2:35 pm.
  • The school involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, *review, and improvement of the school's Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy.

  • The school provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs. Improving communication between the school and home.
  • Discussing current student assessment data and student progress.
  • Providing information about school and district resources for student academic improvement.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the school's parent involvement policy to increase parent participation in Title I activities.
  • Conferencing with teachers.
  • Providing training programs to help parents support and work with their children at home and at school.
  • Advocating for teachers and parents.
  • Valuing cultural diversity.

The school provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. Parents are notified annually of individual student assessment results by the Research and Reporting Department and Testing Department. An explanation of the information is available in several languages.

If requested by parents of Title I students, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings that allow the parents to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. During parent meetings, opportunities are offered for receiving parental suggestions. Responses to their suggestions are reviewed in a timely fashion, if possible, by the next scheduled meeting. Topics that are appropriate for SSC review/action are placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting by the school administration.
*It may be helpful to include the parental involvement policy review in the annual review of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
**The policy must be updated periodically to meet changing needs of parents and the school. If the school has a process in place for involving parents in planning and designing the school's programs, the school may use that process if it includes adequate representation of parents of Title I children. [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(c) (3)]

School-Parent Compact

Fulton K-8 School distributes to parents of Title I students a school-parent compact. The compact, which has been jointly developed with parents, outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It describes specific ways the school and families will partner to help children achieve the State's high academic standards. It addresses the following legally required items, as well as other items suggested by parents of Title I students.

  • The school's responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction

  • The ways parents will be responsible for supporting their children's learning

  • The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at a minimum, annual parent-teacher conferences; frequent reports on student progress; access to staff;

opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child's class; and opportunities to observe classroom activities.

Title I parent input was discussed at our monthly Chat and Chew, SSC meeting, Back to School Night, and Annual Title I Parent Meeting. The school distributes the policy by mail to every household.

Attached is a copy of Fulton's Home/School Compact .

Building Capacity for Involvement

Fulton K-8 School engages Title I parents in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school has established the following practices.

  • The school provides Title I parents with assistance in understanding the State's academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children. By holding Parent Teacher Conferences, providing parents with frequent reports/communication on their child's progress, Fulton teachers host family curriculum nights as well as parent information nights to keep parents informed our work with the Standards Based Report Card. Use of Parent Connect Ed or Connect Ed to let parents know progress reports are coming home.
    • The school provides Title I parents with materials and training to help them work with their children to improve their children's achievement. We hold monthly Parent Classes from the Parent University to teach parents about the Common Core and other programs which includes handouts.

    • With the assistance of Title I parents, the school educates staff members about the value of parent contributions, and in how to work with parents as equal partners.
      Fulton encourages the teachers to get parents involved by having an open door policy to discuss the progress of their child and work out a behavior plan or academic plan together with the parent and the teacher.

    • The school coordinates and integrates the Title I parental involvement program with other programs, and conducts other activities, such as parent resource centers, to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
      We have a parent resource center which includes computers and information regarding resources available in the community; we encourage parent volunteers; explain to the parents the importance of monitoring their attendance, checking their homework, provide their child with adequate exercise, a healthy diet, and proper rest.

    • The school distributes Information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to Title I parents in a format and language that the parents understand.
      Fulton sends out information by notices sent home with their child or by mail. Also communicate through the Ed Connect and displayed on the marquee.

    • The school provides support for parental involvement activities requested by Title I parents. ELAC meetings, SSC meetings, Chat & Chew meetings, Parent Teacher Conferences

    Fulton K-8 School provides opportunities for the participation of all Title I parents, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. Information and school reports are provided in a format and language that parents understand. Hold ELAC meetings once a month and the report cards are mailed in the native language of the parent and information sent out in English and Spanish. We have translators at parent meetings when necessary.

    Parent Involvement Policy (English)

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